


我隨即安慰振華,這兩種睡眠問題其實都是十分普遍的,學者在1973年第一次匯報這兩者並存的案例[1]。在睡眠窒息病患者中同樣出現失眠病徵的有6%84%[2-6],相反在那些尋求治理失眠者當中,有769%同時出現睡眠窒息病徵[7-11]。有理由相信這些文獻極可能低估了兩者並存的案例,原因可能是不同研究採用不同的失眠定意、不同類型的失眠又有不同睡眠窒息的病發率[2,4] 。至於失眠的發病率是否與睡眠窒息症的病情有關,不同的研究又得出相反的結論[12,13]

患有並存病症[OSA -INSOMNIA comorbid conditions] 的人與患上單一疾病的分別如下:那些主要為睡眠窒息病徵求診的多為女性[14,15]、易有腿不寧症[restless legs syndromes][6.13]。而那些主要為失眠求診的多為男性[11,16]、肥胖及年長[7,11]、出現更多睡眠窒息病徵[17,18]。患有並存病症 [OSA -INSOMNIA comorbid conditions]的病人會更容易患上抑鬱及其他精神問題[19], 心臟病[20],甚至不能工作[21],但這些現象究竟是因還是果卻不得而知。

當睡眠窒息症與失眠同時發生在同一病人身上,失眠問題會影響睡眠窒息症的治療效果[22-25]: 減少病人長期依時使用連續正壓機[CPAP]。但睡眠窒息症是否會影響失眠的治療結果就不得而知[26,27]。雖然醫學界已經掌握如何治療單獨失眠及睡眠窒息症,但怎樣去醫治並存病症就並不簡單,舉例說某些安眠藥{Benzodiazepines}會加劇睡眠窒息病徵 [28,29] ,另一方面並存病患者使用連續正壓機[CPAP] 又能否改善並存的失眠呢就不得而知? 由於現在還未有完整的指引,唯有採用各種方法同時醫治失眠及睡眠窒息症吧!

說到這裡振華已呼呼入睡了! 喂未帶呼吸機[CPAP] !

1.Insomnia with sleep apnea: a new syndrome. Science. 1973; 181(4102):856–8.
2. Insomnia in untreated sleep apnea patients compared to controls. J Sleep Res. 2012; 21(2):131–8.
3. Prevalence of new-onset insomnia in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome treated with nocturnal ventilatory support. Rev Port Pneumol. 2012; 18(1):15–21.
4. Insomnia subtypes and their relationships to daytime sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Respiration. 2005; 72(5):460–5.
5. Relationships between insomnia and sleep-disordered breathing. Chest. 2003; 123(1): 310–1.
6. Prevalence of insomnia symptoms in patients with sleep-disordered breathing. Chest. 2001; 120(6):1923–9.
7. Polysomnography reveals unexpectedly high rates of organic sleep disorders in patients with prediagnosed primary insomnia. Sleep Breath. 2012; 16(4): 1097–103.
8. Sleep apnea in elderly adults with chronic insomnia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012; 60(12):2366–8.
9. Occult sleep apnea in a recruited sample of older adults with insomnia. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1999; 67(3):405–10
10. Prevalence and prediction of primary sleep disorders in a clinical trial of depressed patients with insomnia. J Clin Sleep Med. 2009; 5(5):454–8.
11. Frequency and predictors of obstructive sleep apnea among individuals with major depressive disorder and insomnia. J Psychosom Res. 2009; 67(2):135–41.
12. Sleep disordered breathing in an elderly community living population: relationship to cardiac function, insomnia symptoms and daytime sleepiness. Sleep Med. 2009; 10(9):1005–11.
13. Insomnia complaints in patients evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Breath. 2005; 9(3):104–10
14. Gender and ethnic differences in prevalence of self-reported insomnia among patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Breath. 2011; 15(4): 711–5.
15. Differences between men and women in the clinical presentation of patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep. 2005; 28(3):309– 14.
16. Occult sleep apnea in a recruited sample of older adults with insomnia. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1999; 67(3):405–10
17. Consequences of comorbid insomnia symptoms and sleep-related breathing disorder in elderly subjects. Arch Intern Med. 2006; 166
18. Sleep apnea in elderly adults with chronic insomnia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012; 60(12):2366–8.
19. Frequency of insomnia report in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Sleep Med. 2004; 5(5):449–56.
20. Sleep apnea-plus: prevalence, risk factors, and association with cardiovascular diseases using United States population-level data. Sleep Med. 2012; 13(6):637–44
21. The joint contribution of insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea on sickness absence. J Sleep Res. 2013; 22(2):223–30
22. Clinical co-morbidities in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome treated with mandibular repositioning appliance. Respir Med. 2006; 100(6):988– 95.
23. Sleep maintenance insomnia complaints predict poor CPAP adherence: a clinical case series. Sleep Med. 2010; 11(8):772–6
24. Insomnia symptoms influence CPAP compliance. Sleep Breath. 2013; 17(1):99–104.
25. Determinants of continuous positive airway pressure adherence in a sleep clinic cohort of South Florida Hispanic veterans. Sleep Breath. 2013; 17(1): 351–63.
26. Is the treatment of insomnia impared when OSA is also present? Sleep. 2011; 34(Abstract Supplement):508.
27. Insomnia related to sleep apnoea: effect of long-term auto-adjusting positive airway pressure treatment. Eur Respir J. 2013; 41(3):593–600
28. Triazolam in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1995; 151(2 Pt 1):450–4.
29. Effect of flurazepam on sleep-disordered breathing and nocturnal oxygen desaturation in asymptomatic subjects. Am J Med. 1982; 73(2):239–43.





智能手機及平版電腦的出現,改變了這一代人類;不但是日常生活模式、溝通行為、亦關乎我們的品德、甚至是命運! 乍耳聽來有點誇張,但事實卻是如此: 現代人每天起床第一件做的事不再是梳洗,而是查看手機上各種社交媒體的留言。你出門可以忘記帶銀包但不可漏帶手機,因為你立時會覺得與世界隔絕,被孤立了,被遺棄了! 走到街上遇到有趣的事,沒有手機便不能做攝影達人,上戴相片或影片,那麼如何呃LIKE ? 走進公共運輸系統,大家都自然成為低頭一族,有誰不是在看智能手機,打游戲game,聽歌、上網、睇戲時運高根本看不到那老弱傷殘的,所以從不察覺有讓座的需要。但若不幸遇上地鐵縱火相似事件,人們卻能即時拿出手機拍片,上演即時直播[真人騷] ,由於大家忙於拍片影相,所以無瑕對傷者施以援手,救人為先的觸覺漸漸變得遲鈍,甚或完全失去。有人更可能要求救援人員暫停三分鐘,因為在直播中!你可能覺得以上的例子太極端,我極其量是邊走邊按電話的,但這些人肉路障 已對其他安份守己的乘客構成莫大滋擾了。

現在所謂一家人/一班人一齊去食飯,其實大家只是在同一地域[GPS] 各自食飯而已--飯餸到了大家搶先影相鬥快上載面書,跟住乖乖地食飯,好有禮貌地全程一言不發,你間中會用WHATSAPP 對同檯的人講「幾好味呀!」、但有可能他人又用WHATSAPP覆你:「唔係掛?我食過邊間重好D!」亦可能你肉體雖在,但原神在千里之外,與網友大話西遊中。在家中或公司同樣用各種社交媒體跟坐在你面前的人溝通,而不是直接開聲說話。

在虛擬世界所交的網友,你就隨便假設是神交已久的知心友,但從新聞報導中我們所知的真相卻並不如此,甚或是色情陷井。雖然人與人聯絡溝通是可以透過各種科技來克服各種地域的限制,但絕不可能完全代替面對面的交談來得真實,請問大家如何通過智能手機來個 big hug ? 或者傷心時對方借個膊頭給你? 長時間沉迷在虛擬世界令你堅離地,漸漸失去與他人溝通技巧,語文表達能力也會下降。

古語有云玩物喪志,日光之下無新事,只不過201+年代是以智能手機出現,當我們沒有帶手機或無wifi 或無data用,就會變得坐立不安,甚至發矛,那即代表我不是玩() 機、而是() 機玩緊我! 莫奈何!




大家都認識到睡眠窒息可以破壞睡眠結構,及引致病人不斷覺醒,但大家卻未必知道這兩種現象有可能導致病人認知困難。延醫處理睡眠窒息症本身,可增加以下疾病的風險: 高血壓[1];心臟病[2];中風[3];腎病[4];糖尿病[5]等。此等新陳代謝及血管疾病亦會轉過來令睡眠窒息惡化,最後大增睡眠窒息症病人的認知困難,甚至令人較年青時就患上認知障礙(老人癡呆)[6]

何謂認知功能{cognition}?這包括attention[注意力]memory[記憶力]executive function[行政能力如策劃、解決難題等等]visuospatial/constructional abilities[視覺空間能力] language [語言能力][7]。現有的証據確認睡眠窒息會削弱病人的注意力、vigilance[警覺性]、長短期記憶力[8,9] 及行政能力[10],最新研究指連information processing [資訊處理] 也受到影響[11]

關於睡眠窒息症如何造成認知困難? 現時有兩派學說: 其中一派覺得睡眠窒息症病人的認知困難是短期及可逆轉的,純粹是由於睡眠不足引致日間嗜睡及專注力不足而矣[12,13,14];第二派學說卻認為睡眠窒息症會形成病人腦部結構性改變,因而引發認知困難[15,16,17]。若果第一派學說是正確的話,那麼連續正氣壓机[CPAP] 應該不單能改善睡眠窒息症病人的日間嗜睡,亦應能改善病人的認知困難,但事實卻不然[18] 。的確好些睡眠窒息症病人有某些腦部結構性改變[19] 但另一方面,睡眠窒息症的病情又與認知困難的嚴重性沒有直接關係[20,21] 。亦有人認為睡眠窒息症病人本身多有併存病,尤其是血管疾病,單單這些併存病就已經可以改變病人腦部結構[22],繼而導致病人行政能力衰退[23]

但為何這方面的研究常常出現相反的結論呢? 事緣如何量度睡眠窒息症病人日間嗜睡程度[24,25]或睡眠窒息症的病情[26,27]就沒有統一的方案。每一個睡眠窒息症病人都有不同的病因和病理,而不同年紀的睡眠窒息症病人亦可能有不同的病徵[28,29]及其覺醒閾值[Arousal threshold][30,31]


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3.Association of sleep-disordered breathing and the occurrence of stroke. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2005; 172: 1447–51
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10.Executive dysfunction in OSA before and after treatment: a meta-analysis. Sleep 2013; 36: 1297–305.
11.Information processing speed in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a review. Acta Neurol. Scand. 2014; 129: 209–18.
12. Changes in cognitive function associated with sleep disordered breathing in older people. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 2001; 49: 1622–7.
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15. Increased oxidative stress is associated with chronic intermittent hypoxia-mediated brain cortical neuronal cell apoptosis in a mouse model of sleep apnea. Neuroscience 2004; 126: 313–23.
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