

閒來與振華(假名)去歡樂時光(Happy hour)輕鬆一下,忽然他想起我們的老朋友最近突然辭世,不敢悲從中來,他長嘆一聲:「若果人類可以預測某種疾病的來臨,那麼我們就可以避過一劫。」我亦表贊同: 「振華你可想起上一次要做膽石手術? 並不是每個睡眠窒息的病人都這麼幸運,能在手術前已被診斷出來! 否則在沒有充足準備下做手術,手術前後的風險可能會大增呢!」振華自然追問醫生在手術前有什麼方法可以篩查出那位病人患有睡眠窒息症。其實麻醉科醫生可使用以下幾種問卷調查-Berlin questionnaire, STOP-BANG, SACS or ASA checklist,如果發現病人屬高危一族,那最好還是替病人先進行睡眠測試,但大家要明白這些問卷並不能夠在手術前找出所有睡眠窒息症病人的(1)

在日常臨床診斷中,醫生主觀的感覺或印象往往不能正確診斷出睡眠窒息症(2),因此醫學界嘗試找出各種更客觀的方案,從而幫助醫護人員篩查出高風險病人。BERLINE QESTIONNAIRE 能成功找出86%的睡眠窒息病人(e.g AHI> 5), 77% SPECIFICITY [特異性], a positive likelihood ratio of 3.79(3)。而STOP-BANG questionnaire是另一個有深厚醫學實據的問卷調查(4,5,6),當問卷總分是3分或以上就能篩查出93%中度睡眠窒息症(AHI>15)100%的嚴重睡眠窒息症(AHI>30)病人,若果總分達78分,填卷人士就有60%機會患上嚴重睡眠窒息症了!

振華忍不住打斷了我的講話,問有更簡單的方法嗎? 大家自然想起單單量度頸圍有用嗎? 雖然不同研究對這個方法會有不同結論,但一般都同意頸圍越粗風險就越大(7-10),更有學者發現用頸圍與高度的比例( neck circumference –height ratio) 更有用(11)。很久之前已有學者使用Mallampati score ( grades visibility of the posterior pharynx when the patient opens his mouth and stick out his tongue)來評估風險(9)。肥胖自然是另一個研究焦點(12-14),同樣病人越肥胖就有越高風險患上睡眠窒息症。
 當然亦有學者使用高科技(craniofacial photographic analysis) 從頭部結構來預測病人患上睡眠窒息症的風險(15)。更有研究特別針對心臟病患者患上睡眠窒息症的風險(16,17)。但可惜至今沒有單一預測模式或方案是明顯優勝於他人(18),值得醫學界一致推崇的。

1.  Pre-operative screening for obstructive sleep apnoea. Eur Respir Rev 2017;26:160012
2.  Predictive value of clinical features in diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep 1993;16(2):118-122
3.  Using Berlin questionnaire to identify patients at risk for the sleep apnoea syndrome. Ann Intern Med 1999;131:485-491.
4.  STOP-BANG questionnaire in obstructive apnea syndrome: a severity predictor. Eur Respir J 2015 46:PA2343
5.  STOP-BANG questionnaire. A practical approach to screen for obstructive sleep apnea. Chest 2016;149(3):631-638
6.  Predicting sleep disordered breathing in outpatients with suspected OSA. BMJ Open 2014;4:e004519
7.  Predictors of sleep disordered breathing in community dwelling adults; the sleep heart health study. Arch Intern Med 2002;162(8):893-900
8.  The occurrence of sleep disordered breathing among middle aged adults. N Engl J Med 1993;328(17):1230-1235
9.  A stepped approach for prediction of obstructive sleep apnea in overtly asymptomatic obese subjects: a hospital based study Sleep Med 2004;5(5):351-357
10.Predictors for presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea in snoring patients: significance of neck circumference. J Sleep Med 2015;12(2)34-38
11.Neck circumference –height ratio as a predictor of sleep related breathing disorder in children and adults. J Clin sleep Med 2016;12(3):311-7
12.Predicting sleep apnea and excessive day sleepiness in the severely obese .Chest 2003; 123(4):1134-1141
13.Usefulness of truncal obesity indices as predictive factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Obesity 2008;16:113-8
14.Obesity stratification as a predictor for sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep Medicine 2013;Vol 14, Suppl 1 Pe207
15.Prediction of obstructive sleep apnea with craniofacial photographic analysis. Sleep 2009;3291):46-52
16.Prevalence and predictors of sleep apnea in patients with stable coronary artery disease: a cross sectional study. Therapeutics and clinical risk management 2017;13:1031-1042
17.Prevalence and predictors of sleep disordered breathing in patients with stable chronic heart failure. JACC: Heart Failure 2016.Vol 4,No2
18.Systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature regarding the diagnosis of sleep apnea. Sleep 2000;23:519-532