

唐先生(假名)是個患有慢性阻塞性肺病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD) 病人。他今年六十多歲,患了慢阻肺病大約四、五年了。唐先生為人開朗好動,喜歡參加各種社交活動,可惜,他患病後體能不斷下降,他好幾次不能參與以往熱愛的活動,因此,常常悶悶不樂。他明白現時所接受的藥物治療已經十分到位,但在覆診時,他仍想請教我有甚麼方法提升他的運動量或體能(exercise tolerance/capacity)

其實,唐先生這種的想法及要求十分正面和合理。我問他可曾聽過肺康復(PULMONARY REHABILITATION)? 他表示從未聽聞過。肺康復是一個經詳細評估後,針對個人度身設計的全面醫療方案,包括加強病人對肺病的認識,體能訓練及改善心理素質的方案,從而提升患者身心健康,亦旨在增強長期病患者尋求健康生活模式的持續性。(1)

想不到唐先生聽完我詳細介紹後,完全不感興趣! 原因是他最害怕上課和那些沉悶乏味的運動及訓練。我立即告訴他,職業治療部的同事將會教導他「八段錦」,而物理治療部的同事就教授「橡筋太極」,那都是我們肺康復活動的其中一環;唐先生非常詫異地問:「西醫都相信這套嗎?


一份今年才發表的生理研究(2)發現,練習太極拳所產生的生理變化( inspiratory capacity and twitch quadricepts tension )竟然與完成在跑步機運動相似。慢阻肺病病人練習太極拳能改善肺功能(FEV1, FVC)(3,6,8) 提升肌肉力量(5,8,9)、走路距離(Walking distance/6 minute walk test) (3,4,6,8,9)、改善平衡(reduced medial-lateral body sway in semi-tandem stand)(4,5)、減少發作(3) 和提升生活質素(5,7)

醫學權威Cochrane Database Syst Rev在今年(2016) 六月剛發表太極拳如何幫助慢阻肺病病人(10) 從十二個研究(984位參與者) 總括出以下結論: 太極拳練習者能有更長的六分鍾步行矩離{ a longer six minute walk distance}及肺功能,而且十分安全。但那家太極拳及那些招式最有幫助則有代商榷。

唐先生聽完那麼多科學證據後,態度立即一百八十度改變,繼而想進一步了解多一點。他以前也學過一點太極拳,所以不斷追問:「你們所教的太極拳是否與傳統的有所不同,抑或類似原地太極、輪椅太極拳......?」他果然是個好動的人,對太極拳也有基本認識。我們所教的並不是大家常見的那種,而是名為「橡筋太極」(Theraband Tai Chi),由廣華醫院物理治療部的同事鑽研出來。

目前他們所研究的「橡筋太極」只有四式(見圖): 起式、單鞭、雲手及如風似閉。它與一般太極最大不同之處是練習者需要配合一條長長的橡筋帶去演練,橡筋帶會增加練習者伸展身體各部位時所遇到的阻力,不同顏色的橡筋帶,代表不同的阻力:黃色最低、黑色最高。那種「橡筋太極」深受慢阻肺病病人歡迎。


ATS & ERS definition:
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention based on a thorough patient assessment followed by patient tailored therapies, which include, but are not limited to, exercise raining, education, and behavior change. Designed to improve the physical and psychological condition of people with chronic respiratory disease and to promote the long term adherence to health enhancing behaviors.

1.  An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: key concepts and advances in pulmonary rehabilitation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;188(8):e13-64
2.  Physiological response to Tai Chi in stable patients with COPD. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2016 Jan 15;221:30-4
3.  Tai chi qigong improves lung functions and activity tolerance in COPD clients: a single blind, randomized controlled trial. Complementary therapies in medicine. 2011;19(1):3-11
4.  Short form Sun style Tai Chi as an exercise training modality in people with COPD. ERJ 2013; 41(5): 1051-7
5.  TAI CHI as a form of exercise graining in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine. 2013;7(6):587-92
6.  The sustaining effects of Tai Chi Qigong on physiological health for COPD patients: a randomized controlled trial. Complementary therapies in medicine 2013;21(6):585-94
7.  Evaluation of the sustaining effects of Tai Chi Qigong in the sixth month in promoting psychosocial health in COPD patients: a single blind, randomized controlled trial. The scientific world journal 2013; 4250-82
8.  The effect of Tai Chi on COPD: A pilot randomized study of lung function, exercise capacity and diaphragm strength. Heart, lung & Circulation 2014;23(4):347-52
9.  The effect of Tai Chi on four chronic conditions- cancer, osteoarthritis, heart failure and COPD: A systemic review and meta-analyses. British Journal of sports medicine2016;50(7):397-407
10.      Tai chi for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Datbase syst rev 2016 Jun 7;(6):CD009953.

###文章同時會上載於本人網誌, http://forchuyisze.blogspot.hk及面書,https://www.facebook.com/yisze.forchu

