
睡眠醫學---邪惡軸心 (肥胖、哮喘、睡眠窒息症)

今天肥文(假名)如常回來覆診哮喘,不經不覺原來已認識他廿多年了,他也已由肥仔變成大叔。這些年來肥文不斷增磅,他的哮喘也愈來愈難於處理(1,2) 及多了因哮喘發作入院治療(3)。肥文屬於早發病(early onset asthma)及多附帶特應性疾病(Atopic diseases)的顯型(4)。他對控制發作藥 (controller)的反應也隨體重不斷增加而下降了(5,6),幸好他對緩解發作藥(reliever的反應仍算是正常的(7)

但今天肥文告訴我他新增了許多疑似睡眠窒息症的病徵。看他那龐大身形,其實我一點也不感到意外,只是更擔心他的健康。肥胖、哮喘加睡眠窒息症絕對是一個危機! 肥胖是典型的睡眠窒息症危險因素(8),但原來哮喘也是鮮為人知的打鼻鼾,日間嗜睡甚至是睡眠窒息症的危險因素(9,10,11)。哮喘病的病史長短也與患上睡眠窒息症的風險成正比(12)。另外睡眠窒息症的病人也較多患上哮喘(13,14) ,並且他們的哮喘更容易發作(15),更難控制(16)。無論日與夜,他們的哮喘病徵也較多(17),睡眠窒息症的嚴重程度又同肺功能的衰歇速度有關(18),真叫人怕怕! 一個超大型的研究(包涵179,789位哮喘病人)發現睡眠窒息症會令因發作入院的哮喘病人需要住院更長,需要接受更多入侵性呼吸治療(19)

說到這處,肥文已嚇得泠汗直冒!我立時安慰他持續正壓機(continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP) 除了可以治療睡眠窒息症外,亦同時能改善病人的哮喘病徵、減少哮喘發作次數及提昇生活質素(20-22),上述益處尤以中或嚴重哮喘及嚴重睡眠窒息症的病人最明顯(23)。但歸根究底,認真去減肥才能一併幫助哮喘和睡眠窒息症的,肥文即擰檸頭:「講呢D!

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3.    The relationship between obesity and asthma severity and control in adults. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Sep; 2008 122(3):507–11. e6. [PubMed: 18774387]
4.    Obesity and asthma: an association modified by age of asthma onset. J Allergy Clin Immunol .June;2011 127(6):1486-93
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6.    Comparative effect of body mass index on response to asthma controller therapy. Allergy Asthma Proc. Jan-Feb;2010 31(1):20–5. [PubMed: 20167142]
7.    Impact of obesity on the severity and therapeutic responsiveness of acute episodes of asthma. J Asthma. Aug; 2011 48(6):546–52. [PubMed: 21604921]
8.    Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea: Pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic approaches. Proc Am Thorac Soc 2008;5:18592.
9.    Longitudinal study of risk factors for habitual snoring in a general adult population: The Busselton Health Study. Chest 2006;130:177983.
10.  Findings of a Berlin Questionnaire survey: Comparison between patients seen in an asthma clinic versus internal medicine clinic. Sleep Med 2008;9:4949
11.  The prevalence of asthma in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Prim Care Respir J 2009;18:32830
12.  Association between asthma and risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea. JAMA 2015; 313: 15664.
13.  Increased prevalence of sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness in subjects with bronchial asthma: a population study of young adults in three European countries. Eur. Respir. J. 1996; 9: 21328.
14.  Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is common in subjects with chronic bronchitis. Report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden studies. Respiration 2001; 68: 2505.
15.  Risk factors of frequent exacerbations in difficulttotreat asthma. Eur Respir J 2005;26:8128
16.  National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) Investigators. Obstructive sleep apnea risk, asthma burden, and lower airway inflammation in adults in the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) II. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Pract. 2015; 3: 56675.
17.  Obstructive sleep apnea and inflammation: relationship to cardiovascular co-morbidity. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 2011; 178: 47581.
18.  Obstructive sleep apnoea accelerates FEV1 decline in asthmatic patients. BMC Pulm. Med. 2017; 21: 55.
19.  Healthcare burden of obstructive sleep apnea and obesity among asthma hospitalizations: results from the U.S.-based Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Respir. Med. 2016; 117: 2306.
20.  Nocturnal asthma: role of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 1988; 137: 15024.
21.  Nocturnal asthma: snoring, small pharynx and nasal CPAP. Eur. Respir. J. 1988; 1:9027.
22.  Effect of nasal continuous positive airway pressure in uncontrolled nocturnal asthmatic patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Respir. Med. 2005; 99: 52934.
23.  Asthma outcomes improve with continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnea. Allergy 2017; 72: 80212.







Virginia主動跟我閒談起來:「振華就好啦,在家養尊存優,我就這個星期向東飛,下個星期可能向西飛,好些時候日夜顛倒,但到了埗卻又要如常辦公,若果可以食一粒藥就醫好時差,那就perfect !」我不其然哈哈大笑起來,時差 [Jet Lag]是因人由一個時區[time zone] 快速進入另一個時區,但我們身體內的生理時鐘卻跟不上,因而所形成各種的病徵(1),怎可能食一粒藥就完全消除時差所帶來的煩惱呢。Virginia繼續大吐苦水:時差令她在異地日間嗜睡、夜間卻失眠、工作效率下降、心緒不寧、腸胃不適、總是覺得疲累不堪(2) 。其實時差本身不會帶來嚴重健康問題,但卻有可能導致工作、業務、甚或專業判斷上失准的後果。

那麼究竟有沒有方法去減輕時差所帶來的徵狀呢?大致上有三個方案: 第一是人為調節生理時鐘( therapeutic resetting of the circadian clock),即加快生理時鐘重新調整(realign to the new time zone),人生理時鐘本身重新調整的速度是十分慢的,向西飛的話-每日只會調整92分鐘;向東飛的話-每日更只會調整57分鐘(3)。向西飛的旅客,可在當地黃昏時份接受大量光照;相反向東飛的旅客,可在當地清晨時份接受大量光照,這樣的話可加快生理時鐘重新調整(4) ,一般來說旅客若橫渡810個時區就可視作向西飛(2)。而退黑激素(Melatonin)的分泌與人生理時鐘的韻律同步 (secretion is synchronized to the light -dark cycle by the circadian clock),亦即可視退黑激素為黑夜來臨的訊號( a darkness signal),其生理效果剛剛與光照相反(5,6)。向西飛的旅客,可在當地第二晚下半夜服用退黑激素;相反向東飛的旅客,可在當地晚間上床時份服用退黑激素,這樣的話同樣可加快生理時鐘的調整。

第二個大方案是出發前已按目的地的時間作息(strategic scheduling of sleep)- 如每日調整一兩小時以達到與目的地的時區一致(toward congruence with the destination time zone),其原理顯而易見。雖然理論上這個方案應該有效,但旅客需要事前小心策劃和執行方可成事(7)。第三個大方案就是使用藥物來控制日間嗜睡和夜間失眠,短效安眠藥可幫助旅客在機上入睡爭取休息,但那些本身有患上血管栓塞風險(high risk for deep vein thrombosis) 的人仕要小心考慮,因為安眠藥可令旅客在細小的座位上長時間大幅減少活動,增加患上血管栓塞風險(8) 。另一方面,大量飲用含咖啡因的飲料雖可提神,但卻可能加劇到達目的地後夜間失眠,最後得不償失。

除了專業指引外(9) ,一些街頭智慧可能有助減輕時差所帶來的徵狀: 不要留待最後一分鐘才收拾行李,及選擇合適起飛時間,免得造成早一晚的休息時間不足。在機上多飲水,如計劃服用安眠藥就切勿飲酒,中午過後不再飲用含咖啡因的飲料。最後不要忘記時差乃人正常生理反應,過度人為強行抑制未必是好事。

1.    The international classification of sleep disorders: diagnostic and coding manual. 2nd ed. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005.
2.    Jet lag: trends and coping strategies. Lancet 2007;369:1117-29
3.    Re-entrainment of circadian rhythms after phase-shifts of the Zeitgeber. Chronobiologia 1975;2:23-78.
4.    A phase response curve to single bright light pulses in human subjects. J Physiol 2003;549:945-52.
5.    The human phase response curve (PRC) to melatonin is about 12 hours out of phase with the PRC to light. Chronobiol Int 1998;15:71-83.
6.    A three pulse phase response curve to three milligrams of melatonin in humans. J Physiol 2008;586:639-47.
7.    How to travel the world without jet lag. Sleep Med Clin 2009;4:241-55.
8.            Medical issues associated with commercial flights. Lancet 2009;373:2067-77
9.    Practice parameters for the clinical evaluation and treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine report. Sleep 2007; 30:1445-59.
