

今晚如常到體育館練拳,迎面而來的竟是身型龐大的振華(假名),我自不然要椰榆一下這位運動場稀客! 偉民當然亦不甘示弱,表示知道勤做運動可以提昇心肺健康,奈何自己患有糖尿病,高血壓同睡眠窒息症(OSA),所以不能太操勞,實在身不由己!

話說回來,睡眠窒息症如何影響心肺健康( cardiorespiratory fitness, CRF) 也是百家爭鳴,其實這是個十分重要的健康問題,低的CRF值常常與心血管疾病及死亡率扯上關係(1-2)CRF值比其他常引用的心血管疾病風險指標(Cardiovascular risk factor) 更能預測死亡風險(mortality)及願境(prognosis)(3-4)CRF值通常用metabolic equivalents (METS) peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak)作單位的

最近有學者(5)透過系統評價(systemic review)及薈萃分析(meta-analysis)對此醫學難題作出研究,發現睡眠窒息症病人的VO2peak值真的較常人差。不論年青(五十歲以下) 或年長(五十歲以上)的睡眠窒息症病人也是如此。奇怪的是較瘦的睡眠窒息症病人(BMI<30Kg.m-2)較肥的OSA有更低的CRF! 低的心肺健康值( cardiorespiratory fitness, CRF)正好解釋為何睡眠窒息症病人會出現較弱的體能和不濟的生活質素(6-10)。同一組學者(11)亦發現OSA病人每天的平均運動量(mean number of steps per day of 5388 )遠遠低於醫學界倡議的運動量(每天行一萬步)。其實運動訓練就算在沒有改善病人BMI下,仍能大幅改善睡眠窒息的頻率(Apnea-hypopnoea index),日間嗜睡(Sleepiness)及提昇VO2peak值的。究竟睡眠窒息症如何影響病人的運動量(exercise capacity) 不得而知,可能是OSA病人平日的運動量不足因而引致低CRF值吧。因此將來可能要考慮將運動治療(follower-up physical exercise programmes)納入醫治睡眠窒息症的常規方案。

夜了,正想搭振華的順風車回家,不過他說要去附近的東菇亨吃夜宵。唉!真的沒他辦法! 好在陳X記已經搬走了,費事話佢知先!

1. Exercise capacity and mortality in black and white men. Circulation 2008;117: 614–622.
2. Cardiorespiratory fitness versus physical activity as predictors of all-cause mortality in men. Am Heart J 2018; 196: 156–162.
3. Importance of assessing cardiorespiratory fitness in clinical practice: a case for fitness as a clinical vital sign: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2016; 134: e653–e699.
4. Exercise capacity and mortality among men referred for exercise testing. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 793–801.
5. Maximal exercise capacity in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Respir J 2018; 51: 1702697.
6. Influence of gender on associations of obstructive sleep apnea symptoms with chronic conditions and quality of life. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018; 15: 930.
7. Association between polysomnographic sleep measures and health-related quality of life in obstructive sleep apnea. J Sleep Res 2001; 10: 303–308.
8. Quality of life among untreated sleep apnea patients compared with the general population and changes after treatment with positive airway pressure. J Sleep Res 2015; 24:328–338.
9 Undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea is independently associated with reductions in quality of life in middle-aged, but not elderly men of a population cohort. Sleep Breath 2015; 19: 1309–1316.
10. Quality of life in obstructive sleep apnea is related to female gender and comorbid insomnia. Sleep Breath 2018; in press [https://doi.org/10.1007/s11325-018-1621-y].
11. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, objectively measured physical activity and exercise training interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Neurol 2018; 9: 73.

