條氣唔順、點算好?-血”膿” 於水[下]
chest pain),輕微缺氧及不時發冷發熱。他再照X光後,發現肺部「白」了一半以上,主診醫生馬上出動強力和闊譜(big gun)的抗生素,情況仍沒有好轉。我仔細看看張先生的肺部X光片,懷疑他有併發症-肺積水(parapneumonic
effusion)。我用超聲波去確認我的臨床推測,可惜張先生太肥胖,超聲波的影像也看不清楚,我唯有安排他作胸腔電腦掃描(CT thorax),結果顯視張先生的肺炎已發展成肺膿腫(lung abscess)及帶有大量肺積水。我們要分辨患者是有胸腔積膿(thoracic empyema),抑或普通肺炎肺積水;根據電腦掃描的影像及超聲波導引下,我們成功抽出他的肺積水作化驗-一陣惡臭傳來,噢!抽出來的盡都是膿水。集合數人之力,我們順利替這肥胖的病人插了導管(chest
drain)放膿;數天後張先生退燒了,病情也大為好轉。由於他病況不輕,張先生要接受為期數星期的針藥(parenteral antibiotic) 治療。
胸腔積膿(thoracic empyema)早在公元前五世紀已為人知曉,肺炎、胸腔手術及胸部創傷都可造成胸腔積膿,就算在醫學昌明的今日,此病的死亡率相當高(1) ,而它的發生率亦持續上升(2,3)。醫生在作出臨床診斷後,仍需要客觀檢驗去証實病人患上胸腔積膿,電腦掃描(CT thorax)及超聲波(ultrasound) 都扮演非常重要角色-確認肺積水和引導放膿位置;好些時候胸腔積膿會在超聲波(ultrasound)(4)及電腦掃描(CT thorax)(5) 上呈現某些獨特影像,但那些獨特的影像未能協助醫生百份百分辨別出普通肺炎肺積水、胸腔積膿或協助醫生決定是否替病人插導管(chest drain)(6),所以,醫生仍要抽出肺積水來作各種化學及種菌化驗(6,7,8)。不過,當我們替病人插導管放肺積水時,都需要用超聲波來定位(9,10) 。
當我初出道時,那些年代我們會使用十分巨大的導管(chest drain) 來放膿,病人叫苦連天,幸好時代進步了,我們現在只用細小的導管(small bore
chest drain),效果其實不相伯仲(11,12)。抗生素當然是治理此病的重中之重方案,至於注射其他化學藥物(DNAase and Tissue plasminogen activator)入胸腔能否幫助改善病情?則未有定案(13,14, 15)。到了今天要為病人動手術清膿,已是很罕見了。
1. Hospital-acquired thoracic empyema in adults:
a 5-year study. South Med J 2009; 102:909–914.
2. Trends in pneumonia and empyema in Scottish
children in the past 25 years. Arch Dis Child 2008; 93:316–318
3. Empyema: an increasing concern in Canada. Can
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4. Sonographic septation: a useful prognostic
indicator of acute thoracic empyema. J Ultrasound Med 2000;19:837–843.
5. Prevalence and clinical significance of
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6. British Thoracic Society: management of
pleural infection –
draft guidelines. BTS; 29 July 2009. pp. 1–39.
7. Diagnostic work-up of pleural effusions.
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8. Bacteriology of complicated parapneumonic
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9. Value of chest ultrasonography versus
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10. Accuracy of pleural puncture sites: a
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11. Empyema and effusion: outcome of
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and complications of small bore, wire-guided chest drains. Chest 2006; 130:1857–1863.
13. Intrapleural heparin or heparin combined with
human recombinant DNase is not effective in the treatment of empyema in a
rabbit model. Respirology 2006; 11:755–760.
14. Primary result of the second Multicentre
Intrapleural Sepsis (MIST2) Trial; randomised trial of intrapleural TPA and
DNase in pleural infection. Thorax 2009; 64 (Suppl 4):A1
15. Intraplerual use of
tissue plasminogen activator and DNase in pleural infection. N Engl J Med