



其實煲劇不單只傷害視力和筋骨,原來同哮喘病也有莫大關係! 一個有三千多人參與的大型研究[1]指出如果兒童每日看電視多於兩小時, 他們會比那些每日只看壹至兩小時電視的同輩患上哮喘病多一倍風險。若果兒童同時也是過胖;那麼患上哮喘病的風險更明顯[2]。一面煲劇一面嘆零食對很多人來說是人生一大快事,可惜若果小朋友一星期吃多過三次零食,再加上每日煲劇多於兩小時的話,那麼他們會差不多比其他同齡的人多五倍風險患上哮喘病[3] 。總括而言:煲劇、嘆零食、缺乏運動、過胖等都可能使人更容易患上哮喘病或使哮喘病情加劇[4]

要數新科技和西方文化對我們的衝擊, 為首定必是飲食文化;約七十年代什麼雞、什麼飽打進香港市場,大大傾覆了傳統飲食文化。快餐店到處林立,但西方研究[5] 早己發現就算一星期吃一次漢堡飽 都會引發更多喘嗚。兒童及青少年若果一星期吃三次快餐,就會有較多風險患上嚴重哮喘病[6]。食用快餐甚至能拉倒母乳餵餔對哮喘病的益處[7],最近更加發現懷孕婦女每天都吃快餐的話, 那麼她所懷的Baby將來會有多於常人四倍的風險患上哮喘病[8]。相反若能多吃水果、蔬菜和漁類就能起保護作用,減少患上哮喘[9,10]

其實任何科技都是兩刃的劍;有研究[11,12]利用智能電話預載特別個人AAP[Asthma Action Plan] 去幫助哮喘病人,初步效果是正面的。正想再繼續大發謬論,但貌似張偉健的堯大師兄卻大大聲周圍問:「有無人練完拳去食飯?」我年紀大還是早睡早起好, 快快閃人也。不過今晚好似無乜練個野啊,但起碼無煲劇、無食零食呀!



1]Association of duration of television viewing in early childhood with the subsequent development of asthma. Thorax 2009;64:321-5

2]High screen time is associated with asthma in overweight Manitoba youth. Journal of asthma 2012;49[2]:935-41 

3]Salty snack eating, television or video game viewing, and asthma symptoms among 10-12 year old children: the PANACEA study. J Am Diet Assoc 2011;111:251-7

4]Associations of BMI, TV-watching time, and physical activity on respiratory symptoms and asthma in 5th grade schoolchildren in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Asthma 2007;44[5]:397-401

5]Fast foods-are they a risk factor for asthma? Allergy 2005;60[12]:1537-41

6]Do fast foods cause asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema? Global findings from the international study of asthma and allergies in childhood[ISAAC] phase three. Thorax 2013;68[4]:351-60

7]Fast food consumption counters the protective effect of breastfeeding on asthma in children. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2009;39[4]:556-61

8]Fast food consumption in pregnancy and subsequent asthma symptoms in young children. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology 2015;26[6]:571-7

9]Effect of diet on asthma and allergic sensitization in the international study on allergies and asthma in childhood[ISAAC] Phase Two. Thorax 2010;65:516-522

10]Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of wheezing and asthma: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Reviews 2014;72[7]: 411-28

11]Development and pilot testing of a mobile health solution for asthma self-management: asthma action plan smartphone application pilot study. Canadian Respiratory Journal 2013;20[4]:301-6

12]Mobile based asthma action plans for adolescents. Journal of Asthma 2015;52[6]:583-6






